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29-30/03/24 Weekend Meet: Alex MacIntyre Memorial Hut, Onich

For the March Weekend Meet the club stayed at the often visited Alex MacIntyre Memorial Hut, North Ballachulish, The weather was good for both days with fine views to be had.  

On the Saturday, TF & SP headed up Sgurr Eilde Mor, NN 23055 65778, having parked at Kinlochleven. Photo shows view looking down top section of west ridge of Sgurr Eilde Mor, TF making her way up with the dark waters of Coire an Lochan centre left of pic. The path went up the north side for 90 percent of the way before the final ridge which was the best part.

Looking across from Eilde Mor bealach to Binnein Beag on the right and the shoulder of Binnein Mor on the left. A good walk, around 14 km, with 1150m of ascent in about seven hrs.

Also on Saturday, GB, IH, MM & MMcE set off up the Corbett Fraochaidh, NN 02904 51701, from Ballachulish. They headed up a good track giving pleasant walking, and easy climbing up Gleann an Fhiodh, hemmed in by dramatic surrounding hills.

At a cairn they struck off south across the burn and into rough hillside. Pic shows view looking NE over the Fiona Meall Mor, NN 10617 55981, centre pic and the Pap of Glencoe to the right in the background.

On the ridge looking to the ENE we see Bidean nam Bian, NN 14372 54225, with snow.

…a group photo before they get too tired to be bothered.

Further up the ridge looking NE to the Fiona Sgorr a Choise, NN 08439 55180.

The Aonach Eagach ridge further behind becomes more visible.

Heading NW for the final climb to the summit.

...eases off for the final push.

Four seasons in one day at the top!

On the return from the summit a quick look though more benign weather!

Looking east towards the Bidean group.

Looking out west to the coast.

Frog spawn on track out. Although no views at the top it had been a great day out with good views on the way back. Overall, the route was about 20kms with weary legs at the end.

On Sunday SP & TF had as their goal the Munro Stob na Broige, NN 19065 52571, on the SW end of the Buachaille Etive Mor ridge. They parked at the view point car park, NN 212 560, just west of the Altnafeadh car park. Their route went up the Lairig Gartain, then followed the good path up the Allt Coire Altrium (see pic), to the bealach below Stob Coire Altrium.

Fun in the snow leading up to the bealach.

Looking south from Stob Coire Altrium to Stob na Broige…a mere romp along the ridge to Stob na Broige.

Finally at the top of Stob na Broige. Looking north, the Ben in the background. Lovely weather and a great day. Back at the car in about five and a half hours, covering about 12 km.

Also on Sunday, GB, MM and MMcE decided on a short hill day after Saturday's monster. They opted for the Fiona Beinn na Sroine, NN 23372 28984, from the A85 just north of Ben Lui, featuring a very steep start, straight up from the road. 

The gradient eventually eased, allowing them to appreciate the fabulous weather. Pic shows the view looking SE to Ben Lui from the shoulder.

Looking NE up Glen Lochy to Corbett Beinn Chuirn, NN 28014 29226, centre pic.

…Devil's matchsticks lurking in the undergrowth!

Summit trig with MM & GB and Ben Cruachan on the horizon.

Further along the ridge we see the NE end of Loch Awe, centre pic.

Primroses on their descent. A short but rewarding hill.

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